It’s a very difficult job to accomplish a scientific study of relationships. There are so many theories and opinions that in the end, it’s become very difficult to figure out exactly where the truth of relationships lies. Norberto Keppes profound science of Analytical Trilogy, however, cuts through the noise and misinformation, the hurt and pain, to lead us to the truth of love and relationships. It is our hope that you will find much valuable consciousness here to help you develop beautiful relationships and truly contribute to helping society.

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Women use men to destroy themselves

Client JS is a 52-year-old woman, very pretty, in great shape and very successful professionally. An antique dealer, she is a self-made woman, a woman who has achieved success as a result of her own efforts. However, she has a history of much unhappiness in her love life.

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Love and Relationships

We spend our entire lives in them, looking for them, or trying to extricate ourselves from them. Maybe we’ve read lots about them. Certainly we’ve discussed them, agonized over them, rued the day we ever got involved in them and celebrated them when they’re going well. But how much do we really know about the inner workings of our relationships?

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Women on the Couch

Dr. Claudia Pacheco author of “Women on the Couch” discusses female psychopathology.

Book available here.

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Client JS is a 52-year-old woman, very pretty, in great shape and very successful professionally. An antique dealer, she is a self-made woman, a woman who has achieved success as a result of her own efforts. However, she has a history of much unhappiness in her love life.

In this chapter of her impressive book, Women on the Couch, psychoanalyst Claudia B. Pacheco tries to alert the reader to the serious problem of how women contribute to the maintenance and fortification of the power structures. A great deal has already been written about the terrible things that have happened to women down through the ages, but this aspect that Dr. Pacheco raises here has never been treated seriously in the psychological literature.

Just as there are specific hormones associated with anger and envy and fear, likewise there must surely also exist hormones that are characteristic of love that are released when the individual is feeling love.

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Literature, the arts and cultural tradition all confirm the idea that suffering begins with love. Even the religious community defends this idea, stating that there are two kinds of love: one is spiritual in its essence marked by God and fraternal love, while the other is a false and sinful love leading to perdition and suffering. Lets discuss the truth of love today.

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When a man admires a woman, he will have the tendency to use sex to destroy this feeling that is too strong to stand. He will want to take her to bed because then he can diminish the strong feeling to a material level where he can handle it. A short extract from one of our Healing Through Consciousness podcast transcripts.

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We see in our psychoanalytical clinic many women that are inverted. They are afraid of giving love, thinking that if they love and if they do good and give good things to other people that somehow they will become poorer. They have the idea that there is something inside and if they give this, they will have to replace it. A short extract from our Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head podcast.

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Its been said that there are two types of people: those who are obsessed with sensual pleasures and those who are willing to stop enjoying life and make the sacrifice to do something good for themselves and others. We generally think of the former as clever bon-vivants, the latter are virtuous fools. Through his psychoanalytical discoveries, Dr. Norberto Keppe has found that the amount of well-being and equilibrium that a person enjoys is inversely proportional to his quest for pleasure.

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We spend our entire lives in them, looking for them, or trying to extricate ourselves from them. Maybe we’ve read lots about them. Certainly we’ve discussed them, agonized over them, rued the day we ever got involved in them and celebrated them when they’re going well. But how much do we really know about the inner workings of our relationships?

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The Strength of the Weaker Sex

Millions were killed senselessly in the Middle Ages. They couldn’t vote for decades. Their bodies sell everything from perfume to piston rings. They’re our mothers and sisters, bosses and colleagues. And maybe soon, presidents. They’ve caused wars, and yet are the biggest champions of peace. And talking about their pathology can get you in some trouble!

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The Tyranny of Cool

Ask them about whats important to them and theyll parry your enthusiasm with a nonchalant shrug and a mumbled, I dont know. You can predict it somewhere between kid-dom and adolescence, your child stops asking inquisitive questions and starts acting like everything you care about and they used to care about is now completely useless.

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